Introducing Sustainable Packaging
STROIS Group is committed to promoting and implementing the use of ECO-FRIENDLY containers and packaging materials to reduce waste in product packaging.
Eliminating the use of cushioning shrink films, etc.
Using recycled paper, recyclable paper, environmentally friendly paper
Using recyclable containers made from environmental protection material/ plastics
Biomass Plastic
生物塑膠是以可再生的生物質製成的塑膠,看起來與普通塑膠沒有區別。雖然說是由生物原料製成的,但實際上大多數產品是由植物的【不可使用部分】製成的,如玉米,甘蔗,蓖麻等植物。由於它是可再生的,不會像石油資源一樣被耗盡,并且還能減少被認爲是全球變暖原因之一的 CO₂(二氧化碳)的排放。
Biomass plastic is a type of plastic made from renewable biomass, appearing indistinguishable from regular plastic. Although derived from biological sources, most products are made from the non-edible parts of plants such as corn, sugarcane, castor plant, and other plants. As it is renewable, it does not deplete like petroleum resources and can reduce the emission of CO₂ (carbon dioxide), considered a factor in global warming.
This is because the plants used as raw materials absorb carbon dioxide during their growth through the process of photosynthesis.
We believe that even when biomass plastic is incinerated, the amount of carbon dioxide emitted is equivalent to the amount absorbed by the plants used as raw materials, resulting in no net increase in atmospheric carbon dioxide levels. This characteristic is referred to as "carbon neutrality."
在塑膠中加入【GREEN NANO-綠色納米】這種環保功能材料,可以大大減少最終焚燒處理時產生的二氧化碳排放。
Adding "GREEN NANO - green nanomaterial" to plastics can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions generated during final incineration.
儅塑膠被加熱時,會產生可燃氣體。這些氣體中含有「C(碳)」和空氣中的「O₂(氧)」結合形成「CO₂(二氧化碳)」。【GREEN NANO-綠色納米】能在「C(碳)」和「O₂(氧)」結合前將C(碳)固定成碳化物,從而抑制了「CO₂(二氧化碳)」的產生。
When plastics are heated, they produce flammable gases. These gases contain "C (carbon)," which combines with the "O₂ (oxygen)" in the air to form "CO₂ (carbon dioxide)." GREEN NANO can fix the carbon (C) into carbides before it combines with oxygen (O₂), thereby inhibiting the formation of "CO₂ (carbon dioxide)."
MICROFLUTE(超薄瓦楞紙板)/ (Ultra-Thin Corrugated Board)
Ultra-thin cardboard is not only [thin, light, and less bulky] than single-ply cardboard but also more resistant to twisting and tearing, serving as a cushioning material to protect the items.
Compared to cardboard of the same thickness, it uses fewer raw materials and weighs less, thereby saving forest resources, reducing transportation costs, and lowering carbon dioxide emissions.
- 可再生資源……只使用管理得當的森林資源來作爲材料。
Renewable Resources...
Using properly managed forest resources as materials.
- 有效利用……充分利用寶貴的森林資源,如閒伐樹木,瘦弱彎曲的樹木,拆除木板和柱子后剩下的木材,以及曾經用於房屋或其他用途的舊木材。
Efficient Utilization...
Maximizing the use of valuable forest resources, such as bent or curved trees, residual wood after dismantling boards and columns, and old wood previously used for housing or other purposes.
- 回歸自然……使用的紙板是100%可再生的天然材料。用完的紙板可以進行回收,但即使不進行回收,放置在那裏最後也會回歸到土壤裏。
Returning to Nature...
The cardboard used is 100% renewable natural material. Used cardboard can be recycled, but even if not recycled, it eventually returns to the soil.
FSC Certified Paper
The FSC Forest Certification System is designed to protect forest environments, assessing forests against strict verification standards to determine whether they are ecologically managed and whether wood produced in well-managed forests is used as raw materials for processing. It certifies forests meeting these criteria, being one of the most recognized forest certification standards internationally.
Forests, timber, and wood products rigorously inspected and assessed can bear the FSC logo to prove they are environmentally friendly products.